Hyundai Kona: Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW) / Specifications

Rated voltage
DC 12V
Operating voltage
9V - 16V
Operating speed
30㎞/h - 255㎞/h
Sensible distance
Curvature radius
Start : More than 100m/30km/h
Stop : Less than 70m
24 GHz
2EA (Master 1EA, Slave 1EA)

Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW)

Components and components location
Components 1. Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW) Unit 2. BCW switch 3. Speaker 4. BCW warning lamp 5. Cluster ...

Other information:

Hyundai Kona (OS) 2018-2025 Service Manual: Starter Components and components location
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