The severe weather conditions of winter quickly wear out tires and cause other problems. To minimize winter driving problems, you should take the following suggestions:
Information for Snow Tires and Tire Chains in the national language (Bulgarian, Hungarian, Icelandic, Polish) is provided in the Appendix.
Hyundai Kona (OS) 2018-2025 Service Manual: Clutch Engagement Fork and Engagement Bearing Components and components location
1. Clutch
2. Engagement bearing 2 (Even)
3. Egnagement bearing 1 (Odd)
4. Engagement
bearing sleeve
5. Clutch engagement fork
Hyundai Kona (OS) 2018-2025 Service Manual: Side Airbag (SAB) Module Repair procedures
The side airbag cannot be disassembled from the seat back assembly,
so replace the seat back assembly when replacing the side airbag.