Hyundai Kona: Body (Interior and Exterior) / Specifications

Rear hinged, stay rod type
Front Door
Front hinged, frame door construction
Regulator system
Wire drum type
Locking system
Pin-fork system
Rear Door
Front hinged, frame door construction
Regulator system
Wire drum type
Locking system
Pin-fork system
Tail Gate
Front hinged, gas lifter type
Seat Belts
3 point type with Emergency Locking Retractor (E.L.R)
3 point type with Emergency Locking Retractor (E.L.R)

Tightening Torque
Front and rear doors
Door hinge to body
33.3 - 41.2
3.4 - 4.2
24.6 - 30.4
Door hinge to door
21.6 - 26.5
2.2 - 2.7
15.9 - 19.5
Door checker to door
8.8 - 13.7
0.9 - 1.4
6.5 - 10.1
Door checker to body
21.6 - 32.4
2.2 - 3.3
15.9 - 23.9
Door glass mounting bolt
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Outside handle base mounting bolt
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Door channel mounting bolt and nuts
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Door latch mounting bolts
6.9 - 10.8
0.7 - 1.1
5.0 - 8.0
Door module mounting bolts
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Door striker mounting bolts
16.7 - 21.6
1.7 - 2.2
12.3 - 15.9
Tail gate
Tail gate hinge to body
21.6 - 26.5
2.2 - 2.7
15.9 - 19.5
Tail gate hinge to tail gate
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Tail gate latch mounting bolts
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Tail gate striker mounting bolts
21.6 - 26.5
2.2 - 2.7
15.9 - 19.5
Hood hinge to body
21.6 - 26.5
2.2 - 2.9
15.9 - 21.0
Hood hinge to hood
18.7 - 25.3
1.9 - 2.6
13.7 - 18.8
Hood latch to body
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Front seat mounting bolts
34.3 - 53.9
3.5 - 5.5
25.3 - 39.8
Front seat frame mounting bolts
44.1 - 53.9
4.5 - 5.5
32.5 - 39.8
Rear seat mounting bolts
16.7 - 25.5
1.7 - 2.6
12.3 - 18.8
Seat belt
Height adjuster mounting bolts
39.2 - 53.9
4.0 - 5.5
28.9 - 39.8
Front seat belt upper anchor mounting bolt
39.2 - 53.9
4.0 - 5.5
28.9 - 39.8
Front seat belt pretensioner mounting bolt
39.2 - 53.9
4.0 - 5.5
28.9 - 39.8
Rear seat belt lower anchor mounting bolts
39.2 - 53.9
4.0 - 5.5
28.9 - 39.8
Rear seat belt retractor mounting bolt
39.2 - 53.9
4.0 - 5.5
28.9 - 39.8
Rear center seat belt retractor mounting bolt
39.2 - 53.9
4.0 - 5.5
28.9 - 39.8
Seat belt buckle mounting bolt
39.2 - 53.9
4.0 - 5.5
28.9 - 39.8
Outside rearview mirror
Outside rearview mirror mounting nuts
6.9 - 10.8
0.7 - 1.1
5.1 - 8.0
Fender panel mounting bolts
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7
Wiper arm
Wiper arm mounting nuts
22.6 - 26.5
2.3 - 2.7
16.6 - 19.5
Rear spoiler
Rear spoiler mounting nuts
5.9 - 6.4
0.6 - 0.65
4.3 - 4.7
Quarter fixed glass
Quarter fixed glass mounting nuts
3.9 - 4.4
0.4 - 0.45
2.9 - 3.3
Sunroof mounting nuts
3.9 - 5.9
0.4 - 0.6
2.9 - 4.3
Sunroof mounting bolts
7.8 - 11.8
0.8 - 1.2
5.8 - 8.7

Body (Interior and Exterior)

Special service tools
Special Service Tools Tool (Number and name) Illustration Use 09880-4F000 Hog ring clip installer ...

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