Hyundai Kona: Special driving conditions / Driving in the rain

Rain and wet roads can make driving dangerous. Here are a few things to consider when driving in the rain or on slick pavement:


If the road is wet enough and you are going fast enough, your vehicle may have little or no contact with the road surface and actually ride on the water. The best advice is SLOW DOWN when the road is wet.

The risk of hydroplaning increases as the depth of tire tread decreases, refer to "Tire Tread" in chapter 7.

Driving at night
Night driving presents more hazards than driving in the daylight. Here are some important tips to remember: Slow down and keep more distance between you and other vehicles, as it may be more diff ...

Driving in flooded areas
Avoid driving through flooded areas unless you are sure the water is no higher than the bottom of the wheel hub. Drive through any water slowly. Allow adequate stopping distance because brake perfor ...

Other information:

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