Hyundai Kona: Disc brakes wear indicator / Downhill Brake Control (DBC)

The Downhill Brake Control (DBC) supports the driver come down a steep hill without depressing the brake pedal.

It slows down the vehicle under 8 km/h (5 mph) (for dual clutch transmission vehicles) or 8 km/h (5 mph) (for manual transaxle vehicles) and lets the driver concentrate on steering the vehicle.


Always turn off the DBC on normal roads. The DBC might activate inadvertently from the standby mode when driving through speed bumps or making sharp curves.


Emergency Stop Signal (ESS)
The Emergency Stop Signal system alerts the driver behind by blinking the stop lights, while sharply and severely braking. The system is activated when: The vehicle suddenly stops. (The deceleratio ...

DBC operation
WARNING If the DBC red indicator light illuminates, the system may have overheated or have malfunctioned. When the warning light illuminates even though the DBC system has cooled off, we recommend ...

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