The digital speedometer can be turned on and off.
To turn on the digital speedometer, press the RESET button on the steering wheel for more than one second when “SPEED OFF” is displayed. To turn off the digital speedometer, press the RESET button for more than one second when “SPEED ON” is displayed.
This message shows the speed of the vehicle when the digital speedometer is turned on.
Hyundai Kona (OS) 2018-2025 Owners Manual: Engine coolant
The high-pressure cooling system has a reservoir filled with year-round antifreeze
coolant. The reservoir is filled at the factory.
Check the antifreeze protection and coolant concentration level at least once
a year, at the beginning of the winter season, and before traveling to a colder
climate ...
Hyundai Kona (OS) 2018-2025 Service Manual: Evaporator Core Repair procedures
Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.
Remove the heater and blower assembly.
(Refer to Heater - "Heater Unit")
Remove the evaporato ...