Hyundai Kona: ISG (Idle Stop & Go) System / Alternator Description and operation

The Alternator has eight built-in diodes, each rectifying AC current to DC current. Therefore, DC current appears at alternator "B" terminal.In addition, the charging voltage of this alternator is regulated by the battery voltage detection system. The alternator is regulated by the battery voltage detection system. The main components of the alternator are the rotor, stator, rectifier, capacitor brushes, bearings and V-ribbed belt pulley. The brush holder contains a built-in electronic voltage regulator.

1. Brush
2. OAP Pulley
3. Rotor
4. Stator
5. Rectifier

ISG OFF Switch Repair procedures
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Alternator Specifications
Specifications Item Specification Nominal output 13.5V 130A Speed in use 1,000 - 18,000 rpm ...

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